Exempt Building Work
On the 31st August 2020 new laws relating to exempt building work came into effect. If you are contemplating undertaking work not requiring a building consent on your property it is imperative that you read the exemption rules and take advice from professionals in regards to other legal requirements, in particular the Marlborough Environment Plan (or relevant Regional Plans).
An example of work that is exempt is a single storey detached building covering less than 30sqm. This work must be carried out or supervised by a Licensed Building Practitioner (LBP) and must not have a bathroom or kitchen. This building must also be its height away from the legal boundary as a minimum and comply with the requirements of the local Regional Plan.
Before building structures that are covered by the exemption you should contact your local Council Duty Planner and/or Duty Builder services if you need any clarification (this service is available online in Marlborough).
Remember that building work that does not require a Building Consent is still required to comply with the requirements of the Building Code.
Smart Alliances believes it is always good practice to work with full building construction documentation even if you are not going to apply for a Building Consent with Council.
If you need some assistance give us a call